Gestational Diabetes: Expert Shares Causes And Preventive Measures


Women can do yoga to prevent gestational diabetes.

Women can do yoga to prevent gestational diabetes.

According to Dr Amrita, obesity or overweight can cause diabetes during pregnancy which can be fatal for both the mother and the baby.

Pregnancy is always a happy news but it is associated with many health issues. It is very important to track a woman’s medical condition during pregnancy. Some people stay healthy but some women face several health issues. Diabetes is one such health illness. This is known as gestational diabetes. While many causes may lead to the disease, being overweight is one significant cause that can lead to gestational diabetes. The placenta produces a hormone that prevents the body from using insulin effectively. As a result, if the body fails to produce enough insulin during pregnancy, the pregnant woman may be affected by gestational diabetes.

Dr Amrita Saha, a gynaecologist at Government Medical College, Kannauj mentioned that gestational diabetes is a very common illness among pregnant women. Ignoring the health issue can be dangerous for both the woman and the baby. So, let us today look at the causes of gestational diabetes.

According to the doctor, obesity or overweight can cause diabetes during pregnancy which can be fatal for both the mother and the baby. However, gestational diabetes does not every time happen due to obesity only. There may be various reasons behind the disease. It is hard to detect the illness in the early stages. It is detectable after 20 weeks or 5 months of pregnancy. It is very important to take necessary tests within 24 to 28 weeks of pregnancy to take the precautionary measures.


Family History: According to Dr Amrita, women with a family history of diabetes have a higher chance of developing gestational diabetes during pregnancy.

Obesity or Overweight: Studies indicate that overweight women are at a higher risk of getting affected by gestational diabetes. Dr. Saha stated that women with Body Mass Index (BMI) above 30 are at higher risk of developing the disease.

History of First Pregnancy: If a woman has suffered from gestational diabetes during her first pregnancy then that woman also stays at a risk of developing the disease again.

PCOD: Women suffering from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOD) or other hormonal problems have a higher chance of developing gestational diabetes during pregnancy.

Preventive Measures:

According to the doctor, it is very important to maintain a healthy diet. It can help to prevent this issue. Instead of having three big meals, she mentioned that it is important to have small meals every two hours. Adding to it staying active during pregnancy is very important to stay healthy. Women can also do yoga and meditation to stay away from such illnesses.


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