Is It Ethical To Have VIP Darshan In Temples? Spiritual Guru Answers


The spiritual guru’s answer went viral.

The spiritual guru’s answer went viral.

Almost all big temples and pilgrimage sites in the country have VIP darshan lines.

Revered spiritual guru Premanandji Maharaj resides in an ashram in Vrindavan, where he conducts satsangs. He is a devoted follower of Goddess Radharani and has become widely known throughout India. His satsangs frequently go viral on social media and are highly appreciated. Attendees of these satsangs often present their sorrows and questions to Premanand Ji Maharaj, who provides answers with ease. Many times the queries of devotees along with the wise and spiritual answers of Premanandji Maharaj go viral on social media and one of them is in discussion at present.

At almost all big holy temples and holy pilgrimage sites in the country, there is a common line of devotees and a VIP darshan line, where important personnel or those who are ready to pay a certain sum of money are granted access inside the temple without having to wait for long. The morality and ethics of such VIP lines have long been debated in the country and recently one devotee of Premanandji Maharaj asked him his opinion on VIP Darshans. He was asked how correct it is to have a VIP Darshan at a temple.

Premanandji Maharaj replied that if one reaches God with the power of money, then it is not devotion but illusion. He further said that if someone is being respected more than the other due to the power of money, then there is no respect there but just an illusion. He said that such people may buy their way into a temple but it is just a formality as they cannot get closer to God. No money and illusion works in front of God but it is just love and devotion that can get you closer to God, he said. Premanandji Maharaj explains that the significance of Maya and Bhakti are vastly different. He asserts that a person who grasps this distinction will receive the almighty’s blessings abundantly.


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