Are You Struggling With Relationship Burnout? Here Are Steps To Recover


There is a chance to work on these concerns and improve your bond. (Image: Shutterstock)

There is a chance to work on these concerns and improve your bond. (Image: Shutterstock)

Therapist Carolyn Rubenstein explains that “Burnout” is a broad term that is quite common in relationships as well.

Relationships are fun and exciting and allow you to create a strong connection with someone, discover new things, and grow as a person. But, often partners are dissatisfied by the lack of connection or compatibility. You feel fatigued, and it takes a lot of effort to be around the person. This phase could be considered to be relationship burnout. Therapist Carolyn Rubenstein explains that “Burnout” is a broad term that is quite common in relationships as well.

The therapist stated, “Relationship burnout refers to a state of emotional exhaustion and detachment that can occur in any kind of interpersonal relationship, whether it’s romantic, familial, or platonic.” It usually results from extended or excessive stress or discontent, which is generally caused by unresolved disagreements, misaligned expectations, or a lack of reciprocity.

Here are a few signs to check if you are experiencing relationship burnout.

  • Feeling exhausted and emotionally numb towards your partner.
  • Feeling like you’ve lost your sense of self in the relationship.
  • Daydreaming or fantasising about being single or in another relationship.
  • Losing interest in spending time with your partner.
  • Holding onto bitterness or frustration towards your mate.
  • Avoiding discussion of the relationship.
  • Arguing and arguing frequently with your companion.

However, this does not mean that it’s the end of your relationship. There is still a chance to work on these concerns and improve your bond. Addressing relationship burnout necessitates open communication, mutual support, and a willingness to collaborate to discover and solve root causes.

Tips for recovery:

  • Practicing effective communication skills
  • Setting healthy boundaries
  • Prioritizing self-care
  • Re-evaluating relationship dynamics and expectations

Moreover, the therapist says that if someone is battling with burnout, their experience is valid. She stated that we all experience burnout differently, just as we do with emotions. Differences do not invalidate one’s experience; this is not a game of comparison. By dismissing our burnout experience, you are reinforcing feelings of guilt, shame, or incompetence.

Keep these things in mind when on the road to recovery:

  • You haven’t reached a breaking point.
  • You don’t have a high- pressure job/family life.
  • You’re not sure what caused it.
  • Others seem to handle more without burning out.
  • You’re still functioning day-to-day.
  • You’ve experienced burnout before.


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