The Hazardous Impact Of Hygiene Products On Your Ovaries


Harmful elements in the environment bring about certain changes, which ultimately affects our body in different possible ways

Harmful elements in the environment bring about certain changes, which ultimately affects our body in different possible ways

Dr Bushra Khan, IVF, Senior consultant, Specialist in assisted reproduction and Gynaecology, DPU Super Specialty Hospital, Pimpri, Pune shares the impact of hygiene products on your ovaries

Our environment and day-to-day lifestyle are bombarded with ample of pollutants, pesticides, and chemicals. These harmful elements in turn bring about certain changes, which ultimately affects our body in different possible ways. One of the first few things to get affected are the ovaries or the testes. Most likely what happens in the ovaries is the number of eggs goes down, and there is something called premature ovarian insufficiency, which we call very commonly as POI (Primary ovarian insufficiency). Which means that before the age of 45 or before the age of 40, the female starts to reduce the number of eggs, and then results ultimately into premature menopause.

1. How long does it take for the damage to materialize in a woman’s body?

The duration taken by the cancer symptoms to surface is subjective to each individual and depends on multiple factors and conditions. It can act when certain things start to act on the eggs, per se, on the ovaries. Basically, it can act from the time it can affect the eggs that are starting to form or it can affect the further development of the eggs. A lot of our patients in the clinics are also experiencing early menopause or early menarche. Early menarche means that younger girls getting their periods, periods getting earlier, coming earlier.

2. Some intimate hygiene lifestyle tips for women to keep such ailments away as much as possible?

While ovarian cancer at large is triggered due to genetical and environmental pollutants, vaginal washes with harsh chemical properties can lead to cervical cancer, another dreadful cancer variant.

Such ailments can be easily prevented by regular personal hygiene. It is important to maintain good gut bacteria and good vaginal bacteria, also known as the vaginal micro-flora which means we maintain the amount of lactobacillus which is there in the vagina.

Since the vagina is open to the exterior it is important to maintain lactobacillus to ward off infections which may travel to the cervix or ovaries. It is important to cut down undergarments made of synthetic fabric, stop applying talcum powder on the vaginal area, and using harsh-chemical based intimate washes that washes away the appropriate proportion of good bacteria present in the vagina.

A number of endocrine disrupters present in many daily use products like plastic tiffin boxes and food containers, pesticides, industrial solvents, and UV filters can also trigger this condition and hence, one needs to be mindful in making daily life choices.


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