Indian BTS fans raise INR300,000 for Palestine


In a powerful display of empathy and solidarity, fans of the globally acclaimed K-pop group BTS have once again stepped up to support humanitarian efforts, this time directing their efforts towards aiding Palestinians amidst the ongoing war perpetrated by Israel.

With over one million Palestinian civilians seeking refuge in the southern Gaza city of Rafah amidst Israel’s relentless attacks, the situation remains dire, prompting fears of a looming catastrophe. Amidst the turmoil, the unwavering support from BTS fans, known as the BTS ARMY, aims to provide a beacon of hope for Palestinians enduring the horrors of war, as per Hindustan Times.

Led by the Indian contingent of the fandom, aptly named Team ARMY Projects India, fans have transcended stereotypes associated with fandoms, demonstrating a profound commitment to humanitarian causes. The Indian BTS ARMY showcased their compassion and awareness by making a substantial donation exceeding INR 300,000 for Palestine medical aid. The donation, made on the occasion of band member J-Hope’s birthday on February 18, underscores the fans’ unwavering dedication to making a tangible difference in the lives of those affected by the one-sided war.

This act of generosity follows a series of impactful initiatives by BTS fans worldwide, including boycott campaigns and online petitions aimed at urging BTS’ label, HYBE, to divest from Zionism-linked entities. International admirers of the group launched the #HYBEDivestFromZionism campaign, calling for the severance of ties with Scooter Braun, CEO of HYBE’s American unit, in solidarity with Palestine.

Through their collective actions, BTS fans are not only amplifying awareness of global issues but also exemplifying the power of collective action in effecting positive change. As the catastrophe in Palestine persists, the unwavering support from the BTS ARMY serves as a testament to the transformative potential of fandoms when mobilized for humanitarian causes.

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