All About Different Hand Gestures And What They Mean


Talking with fists closed or hands tied means the speaker is angry.

Talking with fists closed or hands tied means the speaker is angry.

According to Psychological Today, if hands are not used at all while talking, it can mean that the speaker does not care for his listeners.

During verbal and non-verbal communication, body language assists us in understanding and decoding the speaker’s words. It also helps us to interpret others’ moods and emotions. Moreover, it also enhances the understanding of the consciousness of the speaker.

Body language during presentations, job interviews, casual meetings or dates plays a major role in creating a good impression before the listeners. According to Psychological Today, most people use their hands during communication while some don’t making it hard for people to decode the moods and emotions of such individuals. Hence, it is widely believed that using hands during communication helps understand human emotions better. Therefore, let us take a look at some of the hand gestures which can be interpreted to understand the nature of the speaker.

Not Using Hands

According to Psychological Today, if hands are not used at all while talking, it can mean that the speaker does not care for his listeners. They are resistant to the attention of the listeners and are unbothered of them understanding his words or not.

Hiding Hands

If you hide your hands during a conversation, the other person can understand that you are not trustworthy. It is a non-verbal signal that can make you seem less trustworthy, open or honest. It can also indicate that you are feeling nervous, anxious or uncertain. It is said that during prehistoric times, when someone approached with hands out of view, it was a clear signal of potential danger.

Palm at a 45-degree Angle

When you hold your hands forward during a conversation in such a way that the palm is visible at a 45-degree angle, it gives the impression that you are trustworthy and you like to talk openly.

Keeping Hands Open with Palms Down

If your palms are facing down but your hands are open in front, it shows that you are being honest and open. Palms facing each other with fingers forming a V shape indicate that you are thoughtful and authoritative. It also shows that you are confident about the person in front of you and are completely at peace with them.

Fistful Hands

If someone is talking with his fists closed or with his hands tied, it shows that they are angry, frustrated or in an offensive mood. It can also indicate anxiety.


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