Using Internet May Be Good For Mental Well-Being: Oxford Study


It has also been found that the internet can improve our happiness.

It has also been found that the internet can improve our happiness.

Researchers conducted this study on more than 2 million people from 168 countries.

Billions of people around the world use the internet every day. Many people use it for their work, while others spend hours browsing the net for fun. Some people often become addicted to the internet, and that is why it is often claimed that excessive internet usage can be harmful to our mental health. A new study has shown that the internet can be beneficial to people’s health. It has also been found that it can improve our happiness. A study by the Oxford Internet Institute at the University of Oxford has found that using the internet can have positive effects on mental health. Researchers conducted this study on the internet usage and mental well-being of more than 2 million people from 168 countries between 2006 and 2021. When analysing the data from this research, the researchers found that internet usage is related to people’s positive well-being. Internet usage can improve the quality of life and promote mental well-being.

According to the researchers, people who have internet access feel better than those who do not have it. Internet users feel more satisfied in life than others. It is not that only the benefits of the internet have been seen in this study; but in many ways, negative aspects about the internet have also come to light. Considering the overall result, it can be said that the internet can be more beneficial than harmful to people, but people need to use it properly.

Even though this research has shown the benefits of the internet, according to ophthalmologists, people should control their screen time, otherwise it can cause eye problems. Looking at the screen for a long time can cause many problems, including dry eyes, blurred vision, and eye irritation. To avoid this, people should try to reduce screen time. Many previous researches have also shown that excessive use of social media can harm mental health, so people should use the internet within limits.


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