How To Improve Brain Health And Sharpen Memory


Mindfulness is beneficial in improving brain health.

Mindfulness is beneficial in improving brain health.

A proper sleep cycle is one of the crucial things that contributes to good brain health.

The brain is called the powerhouse of the body, and strengthening the powerhouse is difficult but necessary for everyone. However, in today’s times, people do not get much time to invest in improving their brain health, while many people do work for their physical health. Due to mere carelessness, memory loss becomes one of the most crucial problems in old age.

Let us take a look at the possible tips and tricks to enhance and strengthen brain health and maintain a strong memory for a long time.

According to a recent report in the New York Post, it is suggested that to maintain a good memory for humans, one needs to take 7-8 hours of sleep every day. Proper sleep cycle is one of the crucial things that contributes to good brain health. As a neuroscientist and mental wellness coach, Rachelle Summers has spoken in one of her recent TikTok about the same.

Meanwhile, to improve memory, it is very important to follow a daily workout routine. It includes aerobic exercises too, as they tire out the muscles to take optimum rest in return. Doing aerobic exercise sharpens the memory of both young and old people. Apart from it, swimming, running and even brisk walking also improves the blood flow to the brain and helps in functioning as well.

Besides good sleep and exercise, one also needs to have mindfulness. It includes the practice of sitting comfortably and focusing on the mind and body solely. According to several studies, mindfulness is beneficial in increasing the thickness of the prefrontal cortex present in the brain as well. For the unversed, this part of the brain is associated with attention and memory.

Additionally, doing other brain-boosting activities can also sharpen memory. It can be learning a new language or trying to play a musical instrument which will not only add a new skill but will strengthen the memory too.

At last, to boost memory, one needs to work on memorising the past events of their life. While most of us keep Google in work to remember every digital conversation today, one can work on remembering them to exercise the brain as well.


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