5 Side Effects Of Consuming Excessive Masoor Dal


Consumption of Masoor dal is harmful for patients with kidney disorders.

Consumption of Masoor dal is harmful for patients with kidney disorders.

Masoor dal is high in protein and low in calories, which makes it popular among those trying to lose weight.

Masoor Dal, also known as red lentil, is quite popular in Indian cuisine for its nutritional value and therapeutic benefits. Masoor dal is widely used in many of our Indian recipes. It is high in protein and low in calories, which makes it popular among those trying to lose weight.

Masoor dal is also rich in fibre and regulates blood sugar levels. Apart from this, lentils lead to an increase in immunity. Masoor dal prevents anaemia and is also beneficial for heart health, glowing skin, and bone health. Did you know that masoor dal, which brings so many benefits, can also cause some very harmful side effects in some cases?

Famous Ayurvedic expert Deeksha Bowsar recently shared that Masoor Dal is not suitable for all. So today let’s take a look at which people should strictly avoid Masoor Dal from their diet. Doctors say that excessive consumption of masoor dal can have some side effects on health. So, it is necessary to know who should not eat this dal and why we should not eat too much of it, even though it has many benefits for our health.

High uric acid:

If one is suffering from the problem of high uric acid, then it is better not to eat more pulses. Masoor dal is especially high in purine. Experts warn that purines can increase uric acid levels and increase joint pain.

Kidney disorders:

Similarly, doctors say that consumption of Masoor dal is harmful for patients with kidney disorders. This lentil is high in oxalates. People with kidney problems, including masoor dal in their diet, can cause oxalate in kidney stones or other new kidney diseases.

Gas problem:

Masoor dal is high in fibre, so eating it can sometimes cause gas problems. Doctors advise that consuming too much can lead to acidity problems. Also, these pulses are high in protein. So if it is added to the diet in excess, there is a risk of weight gain and excess fat in the body.

Allergic reactions:

Though rare, some individuals may have or develop an allergy to lentils, including masoor dal, which could lead to adverse reactions like itching, swelling, and gastrointestinal distress.

Nutrient imbalance:

Excessive consumption of masoor dal without a balanced intake of other food groups can lead to nutrient imbalances.


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